Look at the options rather than have them find you via the efforts of a persuasive network marketing operative

Many years ago I was involved in a successful direct sales business in the perfume industry. I didn’t realize it at the time, but this was effectively a network marketing (NM) business.

Big companies like Virgin and Dell computers are now using this form of selling to reach their potential customers, as well as the growing number of home networking business entrepreneurs.

What I didn’t understand back then was exactly what network marketing was.

Let me first say what I think it isn’t:

  • It is not a pyramid scheme. Pyramid selling, which is now illegal, has programs similar in structure to the chain letter. People invest money on the promise others will invest and somehow this will enable them to get rich!!
  • It is not a get rich quick scheme.

Many of those schemes, some of which were product based, thrived in the 1970’s and early 80’s.

In a nutshell, you are in network marketing if you are a company that doesn’t sell its products through the conventional retail channel. You sell directly to consumers via authorised agents/distributors.

So what do the better NM companies offer: -

  • They have products and services that are in demand.
  • Marketing support and help where required.
  • Forums are held in which to swap ideas and meet others involved in the business.
  • There are retail opportunities as well as team recruitment incentives.
  • Plenty of training and mentoring in groups, one to one or on-line.
  • Government accreditation such as, the “Direct Selling Association (DSA)” in the UK.

Your network is your retail customer base and those you bring into the business.

NM can be a low-cost option to start a business.
Help is available through these organisations. You manage your time.
Part-time can mean whatever time you can afford to build your business.

Let’s say your product is of good quality and provides value for money benefits to your customer.
Better still, it is consumable, like soap or perfume, requiring customers to purchase on a regular basis. Then you have the building blocks of a successful NM business.

The Internet revolution has expanded the reach and potential rewards for home business marketing ventures.

Successful NM marketeers are evolving new ways to accelerate progress

Foremost amongst these is 'Ann Sieg' with her 'Renegade Marketing' philosophy (cick the banner below to find out more).

The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing

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